Victorian stain glass panel

Victorian stain glass panel Original rippled texture.
Daum Nancy Bowl

Daum Nancy Bowl Bowl with decorative art design.
Marcel Bouraine

Marcel Bouraine Decorative arts feature.
George Sheridan Knowles

George Sheridan Knowles Decorative Arts painting.
A pair of French Louis XV style gilt and patinated bronze Chenets Cira 1880

A pair of French Louis XV style gilt and patinated bronze Chenets Cira 1880 Decorative arts features and designs.
Sabino Fishlamp

Sabino Fishlamp Decorative Arts glass fish on stand feature.
Spanish Oil painting 19th Century

Spanish Oil painting 19th Century Timber frame. Artistic design.
Japanese lacquer and giltwood paravent

Japanese lacquer and giltwood paravent Beautiful design on an articulately crafted base.
Italian Lenci Torino

Italian Lenci Torino 20cm high decorative art.
French 19th century Transitional commode

French 19th century Transitional commode Beautifully crafted set of drawers.